M9-Cross-Cultural Influences

Module 9 - Architecture


As overland and marine trade routes expanded between Eastern and Western civilizations so did the influence of cultural styles in architecture, religion and commerce. The most important of these passages was the Silk Road, a system of routes that developed over hundreds of years across the European and Asian continents. Along this route are buildings that show cross-cultural influences in their design. One in particular is the Hazrat Mian Mir Tomb Links to an external site. in Lahore, Pakistan. Completed around 1635 CE, the structure shows characteristics of Chinese design in the cantilevered roof, terraced dome and sectioned facades. Islamic features include tripartite arches and geometric decorative tiles.


Silk Road Map.Source: Wikipedia.
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Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, Jerusalem. 5th century CE.Photo by David Baum
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The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem offers different cultural influences manifest in one building: a classic Greek colonnade at the main entrance, the gold dome and central turret supporting it, western style arches and colorful Islamic surface embellishment.

View a detail of the exterior wall in the image below.


Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, wall detail. Image: Wayne McLean.
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The Louvre Palace Links to an external site. in Paris, once the official royal residence and now one of the world’s biggest museums, had its beginnings in the 12th century but didn’t achieve its present form until recently. The building’s style is French Renaissance – marked by a formal symmetry, horizontal stability and restrained ornamentation. The Louvre executive board chose architect I. M. Pei Links to an external site.’s glass pyramid design as the defining element for the new main entry in 1989. The choice was a great success: the pyramid further defines the public space above ground and gives natural light and a sense of openness to the underground lobby beneath it.


M. Pei, The Louvre Pyramid, 1989.
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