Course Syllabus

2019-2020 McClure Middle School 8th Grade Georgia Studies Syllabus

Course Description:

Students will trace the history of Georgia in the context of the development of the United States using a chronological approach focusing on the foundation of Georgia from prehistoric times to the twentieth century. Students will also examine the characteristics of state and local government, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, the geography of Georgia, and how trade and entrepreneurs have impacted Georgia. Advanced students will analyze primary sources and secondary documents as well as integrate research skills and interdisciplinary connections into their learning to further understanding. Academic discussions and meaningful student collaboration will also be encouraged in advanced level classes to promote learning. Students will be required to effectively engage in self-directed learning throughout the school year. Students will also use Canvas for course material and assignments.  Students will have a mid-term exam on    TBD    and a final exam TBD.

Course Outline:

The Georgia Performance Standards for Georgia Studies are covered over 12 units as outlined below. Each unit will contain multiple forms of assessments including daily work, quizzes, performance tasks, and unit tests.  Students will have opportunities for independent learning lessons based on pretest data.


Unit 1 – Georgia Geography

Unit 2 – Impact of European Exploration and Early Inhabitants

Unit 3 – Colonial Georgia

Unit 4 – American Revolution

Unit 5 – Westward Expansion

Unit 6 - The Civil War/ Reconstruction

Unit 7 – New South

Unit 8 – WWI/II and The Great Depression

Unit 9 – Post WWII/ Civil Rights

Unit 10 – Modern Georgia/ Economics

Unit 11 – Government

Unit 12 – Economics/Transportation


Final Unit – Milestone Review & Preparation


Unit tests/ projects/mid-term/final …………………60%                            Quizzes/class work/homework ………………40%

Assignments & Late WorkStudents are expected to turn in all work on the assigned due date. Class and homework will not be accepted late (other than in an absence/make-up situation described below). While major assignments such as projects will be accepted after the assigned due date, one letter grade will be deducted daily. Please see the county late work policy for more detailed information. Students will be afforded one summative test recovery per nine weeks after attending tutoring and completing remediation assignments.
Absence/Make-up Procedure: Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to request make-up work and to make arrangements to take any missed tests. The student will be given the same amount of time to make up the work as the student was absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon in advance.
Classroom Procedures and Expectations:
Students are expected to be in their seats and prepared to start class when the bell rings. They are expected to have all necessary materials with them (unit folder, pencil, paper, assignments, etc).  Additionally, students are expected to be active participants in class and to behave courteously and respectfully to both teachers and peers.

*Classroom Code of Ethics: Copying, plagiarizing, or cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a loss of credit for said assignment. Students may only work together on assignments that have been specifically designated by the teacher as partner or group work.

When the need arises for a substitute to be in class the expectation is that you will follow all directions and complete all assignments as if I am in the room . If your name is left by the sub with specific notations of behavior you will be assigned either 5 days of silent lunch or a detention.
Communication is important for your child’s academic and behavioral success. I will communicate with you through Canvas, conferences, phone calls, text messages, and e-mails. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress.
Tutoring: Please refer to the specific times for your teacher.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due