Geometry Syllabus 2024-2025
Teacher: Mrs. Womack
Ms. Warren
Course Description: This is the second sequence of mathematics courses designed to prepare students to take higher-level mathematics courses during high school and college. Geometry is a part of the Georgia Standards of Excellence Math Curriculum. These are designed to emphasize the ability to read, understand, apply, and communicate mathematics. Geometry offers the greatest potential to benefit you by enabling you to be more mathematically savvy in your future academic and professional endeavors.
Prerequisites: Students will have completed Algebra 1 prior to taking this course.
- Unit 1 – Constructions & Rigid Transformations
- Unit 2 – Congruence
- Unit 3 – Similarity
- Unit 4 – Right Triangle Trigonometry
- Unit 5 – Solid Geometry & Applying Operations of Polynomials
- Unit 6 – Coordinate Geometry
- Unit 7 – Circles
- Unit 8 – Conditional Probability
- Calculator TI- 36X Pro (Students with laptops have access to desmos.)
- Composition Notebook & Paper
- Pencils/ Pens/ Expos
- Ruler/Compass/Protractor
- Markers/ Colored Pencils
- Highlighters
- 3 Folders (tabs/pockets)
Grading Policy: Grades will be based on the following:
60% Summative, this includes unit tests and the constructions project.
20% Formative, this includes classwork and quizzes.
20% Final
Tutoring Schedule: By appointment. All students are encouraged to seek help as needed.
Cell Phones: Students may not use phones during any graded assignment. Students will be asked to put their phones away (in bookbag) during all tests. If a student has a cell phone out during a test it will be considered cheating. Cell phones may be used for instructional purposes at the teacher’s discretion.
Attendance and Makeup Work: Attendance is an extremely important part of this class. Your success depends on you being in class every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments that are missed. Most assignments and notes can be found on Canvas. If you are absent, you will follow the Paulding County School District policy regarding makeup assignments. If the student is absent the day of a test, they will take it before or after school the day they return.
Expectations: High expectations produce high results. The following is expected from every student:
- Attend class everyday
- Complete assignments on time
- Be seated and prepared for learning when the bell rings
- Treat classmates, teachers, and others with respect
- Actively and positively participate in class
- Work with all group members whenever group work is assigned
- Bring school assigned laptop charged
Academic Honesty: Students are expected to complete their work independently unless otherwise noted. Academic dishonesty includes copying or sharing work, communicating during a test or quiz, looking at someone else’s work or allowing them to look on yours, having a cellphone out during a test or quiz, and sharing a calculator. Consequences for academic dishonesty may include:
- Warning and an alternative assignment
- Call to parents or guardian
- Receiving a zero on the assignment
- Administrative Referral
Mastery Plan: Academic success and proficiency of standards are goals set forth for all students. Given that individuals learn in different ways and at different rates, our GSE Math Mastery Plan will provide the necessary support to achieve such goals. The Mastery Plan is outlined below: The student may retake summative grades if the below requirements are met.
- Any student electing to recover a summative assessment must make the teacher aware of his/her intention and must meet prescribed deadlines.
- The student must satisfactorily complete all classwork, the unit review, and remedial work before retaking a summative.
Parent Responsibilities: Grades will be updated weekly on infinite campus so you can track your student’s progress. Recommended that parents become observers in Canvas. Ask student about progress. Email or call with concerns. Email is preferred.
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Student Signature Date
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Parent Signature Date